STEP Continua: Tracking Language Developement to support student learning
by Alison Mockler
1. Initial intake assessment
1.1. develop a student profile; • determine placement; • provide a starting point for instruction;
2. Planning & Programming
2.1. Implement responsive differentiated instruction
2.2. Select appropriate resources
2.3. Identify possible special learning needs
3. Track Language Proficiency
3.1. Engage students in self-assessment and goal setting
3.2. provide students and parents with accurate indication of the child’s level of English language acquisition and literacy development;
3.2.1. Use the STEP tracking form
4. Track Literacy Development
4.1. provide students and parents with accurate indication of the child’s level of English language acquisition and literacy development;
4.2. Use the STEP tracking form
5. Engage in reflective teacher practice
6. Develope and improve Oral, Reading and Writing skills
6.1. Find strategies on Pg. 27 of the Steps to English Language Proficiency- a guide for users
7. Growing Success: Assessment for, of and as learning
7.1. Use initial assessment forms FOR learning
7.2. Help students set goals and monitor their language acquisition AS learning
7.3. OLB and OLLB continua FOR learning
8. Portfolio of Student work
8.1. Keep samples of student work to share with parents and other teachers to inform and guide student learning
9. Text selection guidlines
9.1. Pg. 25-26 of the Steps to english language proficiency guidebook
9.2. Select texts to align with STEP