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Ad Agency by Mind Map: Ad Agency

1. Types

1.1. Full Service Agency

1.1.1. -large size agancies

1.1.2. -deals with all stages of ads

1.1.3. -different expert people for every department.

1.1.4. -Start with gathering data & analyzing & ends with payment bills to media people.

1.2. Interactive Agencies

1.2.1. -modernized modes of communication use.

1.2.2. -uses online ads, send personal messages on mobiles.

1.2.3. Ads produce are very interactive (ne concepts & innovative

1.3. Creative Boutiques

1.3.1. -have creative & innovative ads

1.3.2. -focuses only on creating actual ads.

1.3.3. -small size agencies with their own copywriters, directors & creative people.

1.4. Media Buying Agency

1.4.1. -buys place for ads & sells it to advertisers

1.4.2. -sells ads time

1.4.3. -schedule slots are different between tv channels & radio stations.

1.4.4. -supervise whether ads are being telecasted at opted time & place.

1.5. In-House Agencies

1.5.1. -as good as full service agancies.

1.5.2. -big companies prefer this as they are built & work for them.

1.5.3. -work as required by the organizations.

2. Specialities

2.1. Artists

2.2. Writers

2.3. Researchers

2.4. Photographers

2.5. Media Analysis

2.6. Other skills

3. Clients

3.1. Gain

3.1.1. -referals

3.1.2. -solicitations

3.1.3. -public relations

3.1.4. presentations

3.1.5. -image/reputation

3.2. Lose

3.2.1. -poor performance

3.2.2. -poor communications

3.2.3. -declining sales

3.2.4. -payment conflicts

3.2.5. -personnel changes

4. Definition

4.1. Service organization that specializes in planning & executing advertisement programs for its clients.

5. Functions

5.1. Planning & Managing Advertising Tasks

5.2. Creative Work

5.3. Branding (making the brand well-known)

5.4. Marketing & Public Relations

6. Roles

6.1. Create ads on the basis of information gathered about the particular product.

6.2. Do research on the company & the product & the relations of the customers (SWOT analysis)

6.3. Plan what type of media to use, when & where to use & for how much to use.

6.4. Take feedbacks from clients & customers, then decide further action.

7. Services

7.1. Account

7.1.1. -link between agency & client.

7.1.2. -managed by account executive

7.2. Marketing

7.2.1. -research department.

7.2.2. -may include account planners.

7.2.3. -media dept. obtains media space & time.

7.3. Creative

7.3.1. -create, execute ads.

7.3.2. -copywriter artists & other specialists

7.4. Management & Finance

7.4.1. -accounting

7.4.2. -financing

7.4.3. -new business generation