by Kate Dennerley
1. Importance
1.1. inclusion of all
1.2. feeling of belonging
1.3. share interests
1.4. see differences
1.5. cultural/diversity
2. Roles and responsibilities
2.1. respct for others
2.2. feel safe
2.3. different family structures
2.3.1. single-parent
2.3.2. blended
2.4. fair and unfair paractices
2.5. paid and unpaid workers
3. Individual role in the community
3.1. child's responsiblity
3.1.1. home
3.1.2. school
3.1.3. local community
3.2. child's rights
3.3. show respect, be respected
3.4. contributions
3.5. actions
4. Definition
4.1. A community is a group of people living togeher who share something in common, such as interests or vocations.
4.2. "Plump lady community employment service" sourced from flickrCC.
5. Family
5.1. parents
5.2. siblings
5.3. cousins
5.4. uncles, aunts
5.5. grand parents
6. School
6.1. classroom
6.2. playground
6.3. staffroom
6.4. office
6.5. interest clubs
6.6. sport teams
7. Local
7.1. sporting teams
7.2. businesses
7.3. professionals, eg. doctors
7.4. emergency departments
7.5. families
7.6. schools