Designate (v)

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Designate (v) by Mind Map: Designate (v)

1. Synonyms

1.1. Single

1.2. Appoint

1.3. Lable

2. Examples

2.1. The red shirt out of all the blues designated that he was the only one who didnt follow directions

3. Atonyms

3.1. Same

3.2. similar

4. Definition

4.1. To indicate and set apart for a specfic,offive,or duty

4.2. To point out the location of

4.3. To call by a distinctive title, term, or expression

5. Other forms

5.1. Disignated

5.1.1. The name card disgnated him as new manager

5.2. Disignating

5.2.1. There was nothing in her purse that was disighnating to idenife who she was

6. New node