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Marketing by Mind Map: Marketing

1. The 4 Ps

1.1. Product (deciding what to sell)

1.2. price (deciding what prices to change)

1.3. place (deciding how the product will be distributed and where people will buy

1.4. promotion (deciding how the product will be supported with advertising, special activities, etc.

1.5. 5th P sometimes added- packaging- material used to protect product

1.6. marketing mix (activities combined successfully)

2. To market a product->make a plan

2.1. Marketing plan (how it can me realized)

2.2. marketer - marketeer (a worker) (organization)

2.3. market orientation (everything done to meet the needs)

2.4. market-driven, market-led, market-oriented (organization and product sold)

3. Goods (materials/ concepts to make products)

3.1. raw materials (basic materials from which other things are made)

3.2. industrial goods (bought by other companies)

3.3. finish goods (products ready to sell

3.4. consumer goods (bought by individuals for their own use)

3.4.1. consumer goods (cars and washing machines las a long time)

3.4.2. fast moving consumer goods FMCG (food products that sell in large quantaties)

4. Brands and branding ( names to easily recognize a product)

4.1. make (product ex. LG)

4.2. model (Ford(make) KA(model)

4.3. product category (names for the whole product)

4.4. brand awareness/brand recognition (degree to which people know a particular brand)

4.5. brand image (ideas about a particular brand)

4.6. brand manager (marketing of goods or services w/ particular brand)

4.7. branding (crating brands and keeping

4.8. branded (no manufacturer's

4.9. brand name (generic products/generics)

4.10. own-brand product/ own-label product/store brand (sold by retailer w/its own name rather than the manufacturer)

5. Upmarket and Downmarket

5.1. basic

5.1.1. sophisticated exclusive

5.2. low-end/bottom-end (cheapest skies)

5.3. high-end/top-end/premium (expensive)

5.4. entry-level (the cheapest for beginner ski buyers

5.5. mid-range (middle)

5.6. trade-up/move upmarket (buy more sophisticated)

5.7. trade down/move down-market (buy expensive then cheap)

5.7.1. disapproval

6. mass market (talk about goods that sell in large quantities and people who buy them)

6.1. niche (group of buyers with specific requirements that are small but that may be profitable)

7. Advertising

7.1. medium

7.2. advertising campaign (series of advertisements for a particular company, product)

7.3. commercial (television advertisement)

7.4. advertises/advertiser (person or business)

7.5. advertising agency (organization who designs and manages advertising)

7.6. sponsorship (companies sponsor events)

8. The sales force

8.1. salespeople (salesmen/saleswomen)

8.2. sales people persuade people to buy

8.3. sale area/sales territory (responsible for a region)

8.4. sales manager (head of the sales force)

9. E-commerce

9.1. B2C (selling to the public on the internet)

9.2. B2B e-commerce (firms communicating w/and ordering from their suppliers on the internet- e-procurement)

9.3. B2G (communicating w/government on internet)

10. Online Vocabulary

10.1. banking (you can check the state of your bank account)

10.2. dating (you can find a partner)

10.3. gambling/gaming (you can make (and lose!) money in games of chance)

10.4. brokerage (you can buy and sell shares)

10.5. travel (you can make booking for flights)

10.6. fundraising (non-profit organizations can raise money)

11. Should be used by all

11.1. planning (identifying future needs for)

11.2. designing (developing and making)

11.3. pricing (deciding the price of)

11.4. promotion (informing customers about

11.5. distribution (making available)

11.6. features (important characteristics and qualities)

11.7. benefits (advantages of the peoples needs)

11.8. social marketing (persuading people for money)

11.9. Br

12. Products and Brands

12.1. catalogue/catalog (list of company's products)

12.2. mix/portfolio (a company's product considered together and in relation to one another

12.3. line/range (a company's products of a particular type)

12.4. lifecycle (the stages in the life of a product and the number of people who buy it at each stage

12.5. positioning (how a product is seen, or how a company would like it to be seen, in relation to its other products and/or to competing products

12.6. placement (when a company pays for its products to be used or seen in films and TV programs

13. Pricing

13.1. low-priced (low price at all times)

13.2. expensive (more money)

13.3. cheap (customers are interested)

13.4. loss-leaders (cheap items to attract customers)

13.5. list price/recommended retail price (policy of selling below)

13.6. discounting (selling at discount to price listed)

13.7. mid-priced (not cheap not expensive)

13.8. undercutting (selling the same ones at lower prices)

14. Word combination

14.1. boom (prices rise quickly, to benefit sellers

14.2. controls (government efforts to limit the amount in which prices increase

14.3. cut (a reduction)

14.4. hike (an increase, especially one not wanted by the buyer; used by journalists)

14.5. war (competing companies reduce prices in response to each other)

14.6. tag (a label attached to goods, showing the price; also means 'price'

15. Distribution

15.1. producers

15.2. dealer (wholesalers or retailer)

15.3. consumers

15.4. distributors

15.5. reseller (computer, telecomminications service)

16. Shops/store

16.1. chain store (shop that's part of a group within the same name

16.2. convenience store (open long hour shop)

16.3. discounter (wholesaler or retailer with very low prices

16.4. department store (large shop, usually in a town center

16.5. hypermarket (large shop with a variety of goods, outside town

16.6. supermarket (large shop, selling mainly food

16.7. shopping center (area with lots of shops)

16.8. malls/shopping malls (easy to park/ edge of towns)

16.9. franchisees (people that run them but only sell the goods of particular company)

16.10. franchisor (the company-provides the goods and organizes advertising and takes % of the profit of each franchisee)

17. Direct Marketing

17.1. mailings (sending information by post) direct mail

17.2. junk mail (people who dislike receiving things in mail)

17.3. target (choose who to sent it to)

17.4. mailshots (mail magazines)

17.5. telemarketing (selling by telephone)

17.6. call centers (buildings with people calling other people)

17.7. cold calls (no contact with the company)

18. Promotional Activities

18.1. promotion (all the activities designed to support the sales product)

18.2. special offer (a discount or reduced price)

18.3. free sample (small amount of the product to try)

18.4. free gift (given away w/ the product)

18.5. competition w/prices

18.6. loyalty cards (spend money to get points)

18.7. cross-promotion (buy one you get second recommended)

18.8. product endorsement (famous people advertise to recommend product)

18.9. product placement (company pays for its product to be used on TV)

19. Web 2.0

19.1. dot-com burst (1st phase of selling over the internet ended)

19.2. internet sellers (people who sell online)

19.3. internet selling (dominated by big websites sellers)

19.4. website (place on the internet you can use)

19.5. social-networking (communicating websites)

19.6. video-sharing (videos online)

19.7. blogs (online diaries)

19.8. collaborative sites (people work together on prjects)

20. Amazon and eBay

20.1. founded in 1994

20.2. online in 1995 by Jeff Bezos

20.3. selling books/now sells everything

20.4. commission (% of money from sales)

20.5. eBay founded 1995 by Pierre Omidyar

20.6. auction site linking buyers to bids (increasing offers)

20.7. higher bidder (person offering the most)