Independent, confident learners who demonstrate a range of competencies in an active, connected way.

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Independent, confident learners who demonstrate a range of competencies in an active, connected way. por Mind Map: Independent, confident learners who demonstrate a range of competencies in an active, connected way.

1. Independent

1.1. What does an independent learner look like at our school?

1.2. What are the attributes and skills an independent learner has in the junior/middle/senior schools?

2. Confident

2.1. How will our children demonstrate confidence?

2.2. Why do our children need to be confident?

2.3. How can our children demonstrate confidence both inside the school setting and beyond the school gates?

2.4. Confident... learners, socially, speakers... should we be aiming for all?

3. Competencies

3.1. Thinking

3.1.1. How can I describe this at my teaching level?

3.1.2. How can I tell my children are thinking?

3.1.3. How can I ensure my teaching nurtures thinking?

3.2. Using language, symbols, and texts

3.2.1. What at what level?

3.3. Managing Self

3.3.1. What would we expect of our children as they move through the school?

3.4. Relating to Others

3.4.1. Who and how?

3.5. Participating and contributing

3.5.1. What would our children do?

4. Active

4.1. What do active learners do?

5. Connected

5.1. What does "connected " mean to me in the context of learning and teaching?

5.2. To peers, to community, to a global community. How and where should we start?