Cedric Daui Pulmano

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Cedric Daui Pulmano by Mind Map: Cedric Daui Pulmano

1. Past

1.1. Elementary School

1.1.1. Made best friends here

1.1.2. Discovered love for math and science

1.2. Playing Children's Video Games

1.2.1. Discovered love for technology

1.2.2. Bonded with cousins

1.3. Guitar

1.3.1. Bonded with my father

1.3.2. Discovered love for music

1.4. Karate

1.4.1. Gained interest for Japanese culture

1.4.2. Discovered love for sports

2. Present

2.1. Being an older brother

2.1.1. Responsibilities

2.1.2. Had to become good role model

2.2. Video games now

2.2.1. Only way to bond with some cousins

2.2.2. What I do for fun

2.3. Religion

2.3.1. Morals made me a better person

2.3.2. God helped my family throughout life

2.4. Family

2.4.1. Learned culture through them

2.4.2. I look up to many of them

3. Future

3.1. Passion for electronics

3.1.1. Want to use technology in future

3.1.2. Will use at least in my spare time for fun

3.2. Highschool

3.2.1. Learning is where I find what I like

3.2.2. Occupation depends on schooling

3.3. Online Media

3.3.1. I find inspiration for creativity through videos and games

3.3.2. I learn more things through media

3.4. Education

3.4.1. I do not know many things yet, but as a grow I will understand more

3.4.2. The more educated, the more capabilities of thinking, and I like to make connections to what I have learned to real life