Ecological solutions of yesterday

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Ecological solutions of yesterday by Mind Map: Ecological solutions of yesterday

1. Megacities Ecological Environment

1.1. Not too high building like in Vienna or New York

1.1.1. Neue Idee

1.1.2. Urban gardening

1.1.3. Air pollution

1.1.4. Climate Change

1.1.5. Bycicle Car and Metrofriendly cities

1.1.6. Megatrends Urbanisation Suburbanisation and Ruralisation

2. Prison and penetentiary system evolution in the coming decades

2.1. UN Whitebook on benefits and sideeffects of existing prison systems

2.2. Are death penalties still necessary?

3. Net neutrality

3.1. Right to be forgotten in the interwebs

3.2. Anonymity

3.3. Maschine learning vs soul learning

3.4. Primate of the conscience over function

4. Dangerous new sciences

4.1. Mind

4.1.1. Body

4.2. Soul

4.3. Manipulation Intrusion

5. Working solutions including working hours

5.1. Health and pension solutions

6. Healthy ecological non GMO nutrition

7. Dangers of secret societies and how to evolutionize it

8. Dangers of all hierarchical organizations and delegation

9. Legalize thoughts

10. AFRICA Poverty Water Food Air

10.1. World wide growth initiative

10.2. New technologies

10.3. IT

10.4. Virtual Currency

10.5. Ecological gardening

10.6. Not only fish but learning how to fish

10.7. Political and religious and conscience freedom

10.8. New Energies

10.9. Water supply

11. Church as an investor

11.1. Inclusive work

11.2. Mindful investing

11.3. Islamic banking as a way to diversify

11.4. Peacefull mind is a strong mind

11.5. Forgiving and going forward

11.6. Freedom of Conscience

12. Weapons of freedom and mass destruction

12.1. Right to own a gun under certain criteria?

12.2. Non proliferation and banning of weapons of mass destruction

12.3. Strong democracies

13. Euthanasia and human rights and religious rights

13.1. Painless medicine for all

14. Children

14.1. Children rights are human rights too

14.2. Neue Idee

14.3. Media controll and media consumption

14.4. Chess and sports

14.5. Hope is a human right in some way

15. Animal rights

16. Bee rights

16.1. A bee friendly way of producing honey

17. Singularity happens all the time

17.1. New tech solutions

17.2. Quant computation

17.3. Quant cryptography

18. Sound pollution