The 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

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The 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship by Mind Map: The 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

1. Digital Rights And Responsibilites

1.1. The priveleges and freedoms extended to all digital technology users, and the behavioral expectations that come with them.

1.2. Students copy down websites and list them as their sources while using information on the internet for a classroom assignment or project.

1.3. Students use information from the internet on an assignment and take credit for it.

2. Digital Health And Wellness

2.1. The elements of physical and psychological well-being related to digital technology use.

2.2. Students limit how much time they are on the computer each day.

2.3. Students stay on the computer for many hours a day without breaks.

3. Digital Security

3.1. The precautions that all technology users must take to guarantee their personal safety and the security of their network.

3.2. Students get a reliable anti virus program and learn about what to click and what not to click while surfing the web.

3.3. Students click on emails or pop-ups that they are not sure about.

4. Digital Literacy

4.1. The capability to use digital technology and knowing when and how to use it.

4.2. Students find new ways to use technology to help them in situations such as school or just everyday life.

4.3. Students do not use online rescources provided by teachers, instead use only materials from the classroom.

5. Digital Access

5.1. Full electronic participation in society.

5.2. All students having an opportunity to use technology in schools.

5.3. Excluding students who do not have access to techology.

6. Digital Commerce

6.1. The buying and selling of goods online.

6.2. Making sure a site is safe before buying or selling goods.

6.3. Buying or selling goods on a site that you haven't verified as safe.

7. Digital Law

7.1. The legal rights and restrictons governing technology use.

7.2. Students do not try to download copyrighted material for free.

7.3. Students copyrighted music from a music sharing program or website.

8. Digital Communication

8.1. The electronic exchange of informaiton.

8.2. Students turn off their cell phones while in class.

8.3. Students purposely leave their cell phones on and interrupt the class.

9. Digital Etiquette

9.1. The standards of conduct epected by other digital techology users.

9.2. Leaving the room when one has recieved a phone call to not disrupt the room.

9.3. Recieving a phone call and talking obnoxiously loud without leaving the room.