The 9 Elements of Digital Citzenship

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The 9 Elements of Digital Citzenship by Mind Map: The 9 Elements of Digital Citzenship

1. Digital Law

1.1. the legal right and restriction governing technology use.

1.1.1. APPROPRIATE-Paying for music online then downloading it.

1.1.2. INAPPROPRIATE- Downloading illegal music and videos on the internet. New node

2. Digital Rights and Responsabilities-

2.1. The privileges and freedoms extended to all digital technology users, and the begavioral expectations that come whith them

2.2. APPROPRIATE- if someone reported someone els cyber bullying\

2.2.1. INAPPROPRIATE- IF I cyber bullied someone on facebook.

3. Digital Health and Wellness

3.1. The elements of physical and psychological well being rilated to digital tcknology use

3.1.1. INAPPROPRIATE- If someone was on the computer for 10 hours.

3.1.2. APPROPRIATE- taking brakes from the computer every once in a while.

4. Digital Security

4.1. The precautions that all technology users must take to guarantee their personal safety and the security of their network.

4.1.1. INAPROPPRIATE- Telling poeople your passwords.

4.1.2. APPROPRIATE- Setting hard passwords and usernames for your accounts.

5. Digital Literacy

5.1. The capability to use digital technology and knowing when to and how to use it.

5.2. INAPPRIATE- Using your phone during class in school.

5.3. APPROPRIATE- Using the computer to do your school work

6. New node

7. Digital Commerce

7.1. The buying and selling of goods online

7.2. Apropriate- Students know how to properly buy things online

7.3. Inapropriate- Students buy items without knowing if the person can be trusted with there information

8. Digtial Communication

8.1. The electronic exchange of information

8.2. Apropriate- Students only use communication devices when it wont bother anyone else in the class

8.3. Inpropriate- Students having their cell phones on high and texting in class

9. Digital Acces

9.1. Full Electronic participation in society

9.2. Apropriate - Students use technology for education

9.3. Inapropriate - Students use technology to play games

10. Digital Etiquette

10.1. The standards of conduct expected by other digital technology users

10.2. Apropriate- When students listen to the rules of communicating

10.3. Inapropriate- When students Do NOT listen to the rules of communicating, and do what they want