ICT- stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telep...

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ICT- stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), computers as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information. by Mind Map: ICT- stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), computers as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information.

1. Information- exchange of knowledge

2. Technology- application of knowledge.

3. Communication-exchange of communication.

4. Internet-a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.

5. History of the internet in the phillippines.

5.1. august 1986 - BBS

5.2. 1989- EMC, UCCP

5.3. 1991- 1993- email gateway ( roberto bersolas

5.4. 1990- www.cyberbayan.org

5.5. june to july 1993- PHILNET

5.6. march 29, 1994- PLDT ( benjie tan)

5.7. 1995- public telecommunication act ( R.A 795)

5.8. 1997- 85, 000 user

5.9. 2000- conne de guzman accidentally made i love you virus

5.10. 2012- Smart LTE 42 MBPS - cyber crime prevenyion act

5.11. 2016- 52 % internet user

6. 1990 -world wide web (Tim Bernes Lee)

7. web 2.0 - a colections of application and technologies that allows people to find information and communicate with one another online.

7.1. *interactions

7.2. *collaboration

7.3. connection

8. web 3.0 ( semantic wed ) the next fundamental change in technology machine .

9. convergent technology - new technologies that over past. technologies but perform same task but in advances manner.

10. online ethics- standard behaviour. moral principle that defines good for individuals.

11. search engines - is a software system designed to search the internet for information

11.1. types of search engines

11.1.1. 1. cralwler 2. directories 3.hybrid search engines 4. meta search engines

12. online safety -knowledge of personal safety and security online

12.1. 1. know the scams

12.2. 2.think before you click

12.3. 3. safety pense

12.4. 4. shop safely

12.5. 5. kick-butt paswords

12.6. 6. protect your personal info.

12.7. 7. watch wifi connectivity

12.8. 8. install finewall

12.9. 9/ keep up to date

12.10. 10. use your noggin

13. netiqutte- a network etiquette. the do's and dont's online

13.1. 1. the golden rule

13.2. 2. flaming

13.3. 3. dont type in all caps

13.4. 4. dont spam

13.5. 5. dont talk to the people you dont know

13.6. 6. obey copyright laws

13.7. 7. use proper grammar and tselling

13.8. 8. be honestly. be yourself

13.9. 9. follow the TOS

13.10. 10. shop secure site

14. four commandments for using computer

14.1. 1. do not harm other people using computer

14.2. 2. do not access private files

14.3. 3. you shall not steal

14.4. do not use it to bear false witness.