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Computers by Mind Map: Computers

1. Teacher

1.1. Mr. Daniels

1.1.1. Experienced

1.1.2. Qualified

1.1.3. Busy

1.1.4. Smart

1.1.5. Has high expectations

1.1.6. Highly Educated

1.1.7. Kind

2. Videos

2.1. VR Movie

2.1.1. Interesting

2.1.2. Educational

2.2. Over 700 videosfor learning

3. Projects

3.1. Busniss Plan

3.1.1. Using Microsoft Power Point

3.1.2. Google.pages

3.1.3. Gliffy

3.2. Creating a Movie

3.2.1. Using Movie Maker

3.2.2. Sketchup

3.3. Creating a Website

3.3.1. Using

3.3.2. Mind Meister

3.4. Building a house

3.4.1. Using Sketchup

4. Quizes

4.1. English quizes

4.2. Computer Vocabulary quizes

5. Assingnments

5.1. How have computers affected you?

5.1.1. Helps Organize Information

5.1.2. Money Managment

5.1.3. Meeting new people

5.1.4. Communication

5.1.5. Getting work done much faster

6. Programs used

6.1. Google

6.2. Google Earth

6.3. Sketchup

6.4. Freemind

6.5. Mind Meister

6.6. Microsoft Powr Point

6.7. Microsoft Word

6.8. Movie Maker

7. Course

7.1. Interesting

7.2. Hard

7.3. Unique

8. Fire Fox

8.1. Why Fire Fox is better than Enternet Explorer

8.2. Why Fire Fox is better than Enternet Explorer

8.2.1. Faster

8.2.2. Less Problems

8.2.3. More Advantages

8.2.4. More Features

9. New node