Aaron Fung (Me!)

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Aaron Fung (Me!) by Mind Map: Aaron Fung (Me!)

1. Past

1.1. Activities

1.1.1. Skiing

1.1.2. Skateboarding

1.1.3. Ice skating

1.2. Achievements

1.2.1. Excellent Performance Award in Chinese school

1.2.2. CPR-C certification

1.2.3. Bronze Star and Bronze Medallion Lifesaving Society Award

1.3. Interests

1.3.1. Trying new video games

1.3.2. Learning and practicing new piano techniques and pieces

1.3.3. Drawing cartoons

1.4. Strengths I Developed

1.4.1. Efficiency

1.4.2. Solution oriented

1.4.3. Flexibility

2. Present

2.1. Interests

2.1.1. Photo and video editing

2.1.2. Photography

2.1.3. Learning about fashion and street wear culture

2.2. Core values

2.2.1. Honesty

2.2.2. Happiness

2.2.3. Balence

2.3. Strengths

2.3.1. Success driven

2.3.2. Dedicated

2.3.3. Determined

2.4. Goals

2.4.1. Improve time management

2.4.2. Improve on using Adobe Lightroom (photo editing software)

2.4.3. Learn how to use FL Studio (music production software)

3. Future

3.1. Places I have always wanted to go to

3.1.1. Travel every continent

3.1.2. Attend a live concert/performance

3.2. Long-term goals

3.2.1. Find an occupation that I love, and supports well finantically

3.2.2. Be able to support my family finantically

3.2.3. Maintain a healthy relationship with family and friends

3.3. Maintain health

3.3.1. Establish a workout routine

3.3.2. Continue swimming and first aid lessons, and become a lifeguard

3.3.3. Go hiking more

3.4. Traits I would like to work on

3.4.1. Creativity

3.4.2. Patience