Absolute Monarchs

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Absolute Monarchs by Mind Map: Absolute Monarchs

1. Centralization of power

1.1. one place/authority holds all power

2. Constitutional monarch

2.1. the government has a constitution that limits the monarch's powers

3. Huguenots

3.1. French Protestants

4. Balance of Powers

4.1. maintaining a distribution of military + economic power among European nations

4.2. prevents countries from dominating the region

5. Henry IV

5.1. as Huguenots Prince, inherits throne

5.1.1. 1589

5.2. converts to Catholicism after four years of fighting it in order to end conflict

6. Louis XIV

6.1. Became king after Cardinal Richelieu died

6.1.1. 1643

6.2. Strongest ruler of France

7. Cardinal Richelieu

7.1. Appointed by Louis (see below) as Chief Minister to take care of royal duties because the king was too young to rule at the time

7.2. spent 18 years trying to strengthen central government

8. king has all power

8.1. given to them by God

8.2. Divine Right

9. Boyar

9.1. a landowning Russian noble

10. Heresy

10.1. Religious beliefs opposing those officially taught by the church

11. Prussia

11.1. Most powerful German state

11.2. eventually led Unification movement