1. Group 14!!
1.1. Foursquare had a better marketing strategy. They added incentives to check-in, whereas Facebook Places simply added the feature to make the Facebook user's status more 'interesting'.
2. Group 16
2.1. FourSquare gave more incentives for using their products by rewarding users (Discounts)
2.2. FourSquare is less limiting than Facebook as it allows non Smartphone users to use their service
2.3. Less intrusive than Facebook
2.4. FourSquare is more interactive with its users
2.5. FourSquare offers informative video about how to use the service. Facebook's Places just appeared.
2.5.1. Facebook should increase its marketing of Places
3. Group 17
3.1. - there is already so much going on on Facebook/ so many other things to do other than "check in"
3.1.1. -"privacy issues" --> no need for people to know where you are - four squares you don't need to use your real name the old user of four squares still have the loyalty with it and if there is not any new functions that facebook check-in can provide, they will be stick with four squares.
4. Group 18
4.1. Innovative first mover advantage
4.1.1. issue of privacy amongst many facebook contacts e.g. "drinking at x bar" could be viewed by boss Foursquare has partnered with organizations like the Canucks to offer discounts and promotions to users that check in! This can also make it convenient for businesses to establish loyalty programs. e.g. a free meal for every 5 times you check in
5. Group 15
5.1. Foursquare is much more established
5.2. Foursquare connects with businesses to give rewards to people who have checked in the most at that location
5.3. Foursquare has a more focussed objective
5.4. Foursquare connects strangers whereas facebook is between friends
5.5. They should include other features like popular places in your surrounding area, and information/ ratings about businesses from Places users.
6. Group 13
6.1. Facebook check-in is more additional app than a featured app
6.2. Could create promotional deals with businesses-if users check in they can have access to deals, coupons etc from that company
7. Group 20
7.1. Foursquare has an award system/achievements, more functions more privacy
7.2. Facebook should have an award system of some type, should connect to gmaps to get your precise location instead of general street
8. Group 12
8.1. Foursquare's popularity
8.1.1. Large user base established before Check-In (10 million users)
8.1.2. Promotional tool
8.1.3. Reward & status system: badges, points, mayorship - can spark competitive human nature
8.1.4. It's the website's main feature, specific to mobile devices
8.2. Increasing Facebook's Check-in popularity
8.2.1. Promote/market use through reward system
8.2.2. Should have a Suggestion Box, if someone doesn't know where to go, they should offer places so they can 'check in' once they decide where to go
8.2.3. Also Provide Loyalty Benefits, and if they go to the same companies, they should be given discounts
8.2.4. Simple interface
9. Group 11
9.1. Clean and simple, one objective, Twitter-llike function; much easier functions compared to Facebook
9.2. They've started to with the introduction to the status bar-the option to check in may make it more popular
9.3. promotions can be added as a function while checking in to different facilities. i.e. YELP
9.4. Foursquare had better marketing strategy - personal targeting
9.5. Checked-in places are slightly more detailed than on FB.
9.6. Updates near instant, no clutter.
10. Group 19 - Where is Martina?
10.1. Greater network efforts
10.2. Deals upon check-in
10.2.1. New node
10.3. Gamification
10.4. Rewards
10.5. Merchants are not proactive about promoting FB places
11. Question: What has Foursquare done to make itself popular? What do you suggest Facebook should do to make Places popular? Should they do anything?
12. New node
13. New node
14. New node
14.1. New node
15. Group 5
15.1. The Foursquare app is more specialized
15.1.1. Discounts, Ranks/positions, mobile coupons, it's connected to twitter, and other social media applications Gives users incentives
15.1.2. Facebook is a more broad social media app: offer discounts to users, collaberate with Foursquare
16. Group 6
17. Group 7
17.1. Facebook is a social network, and with that all your friends can see where you are making it creepy, where as four square is GPS oriented from the start and they promoted it as the GPS tracker.
18. Group 3
18.1. Incentives
18.1.1. Promotions with businesses
18.1.2. 'Cool' factor with badges and little rewards
18.1.3. Has a mass appeal set-up for businesses as 4Square can drive consumers in
18.1.4. Discounts and 'statuses' offered with the accumulation of points
18.2. What should Facebook do?
18.2.1. Set up incentives and reasons for people to use the feature
18.2.2. Make it 'cool' and less intrusive within the Facebook infrastructure
18.2.3. Integrate it more into the Facebook system so that it feels more 'natural' --> something that's been done already to an extent
19. Group 10
19.1. 4sq allows ownership and rewards for common use. Facebook requires manual tracking.
19.2. Facebook posts for "places" are less noticeable to frequent users because facebook is inundated with all sorts of other posts,
20. Group 9
20.1. ability to be attached to FB, and twitter (multiplatform) - information is concentrated (not unwanted newsfeed on FB)
20.2. more specialized in interest (conscious decision) vs. facebook (accidental, multipurpose, privacy issue)
20.3. Incentive to check-in (special offers/reward)
20.4. achievement, incentive to check in and keep going
21. Group 2
22. Group 8
22.1. People use Foursquare for the sole purpose of checking-in, while people on Facebook mostly to talk to their friends
22.1.1. Foursquare offers incentive to check-in; small businesses offer coupons for checking-in through foursquare