Miller Mobile Apps

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Miller Mobile Apps by Mind Map: Miller Mobile Apps

1. Teacher Resources

1.1. Nearpod You can upload existing power points to this app and it will create interactive lessons.


1.2. Google Drive With the Drive app you can access your documents and presentations from any device. You can even make docs available offline


1.3. CamScanner This app turns your device camera into a scanner and turn photos into .pdfs


1.4. Educreation This app is like a virtual whiteboard and lets you animate lessons and content


2. Creation and Creativity

2.1. Anchor This app lets students easily create podcasts

2.1.1. Anchor - The easiest way to start a podcast

2.2. Flipgrid This is a video response application where the teacher can give the class a code and a prompt. Students have to respond to the question in a limited amount of time.

2.2.1. Flipgrid. Ignite Classroom Discussion.

2.3. Canva This app lets you create digital posters and content.

2.3.1. Download free for iPhone, iPad and Android — Canva

3. Reading and Writing

3.1. Evernote This app creates a digital database for classroom notes

3.1.1. ‎Evernote on the App Store

3.2. Kindle This app allows reading anytime with downloaded books. Within the digital pages your can highlight, annotate, and look up definitions to words.


3.3. Google Keep A great app for making lists or jotting down ideas. Easy to share with other collaborators.

3.3.1. ‎Google Keep on the App Store

3.4. Outliner This app helps students organize their thoughts into an outline format


4. Communication

4.1. Remind You can send messages and reminders to student devices without phone numbers. This is helpful for classroom updates and reminders.


4.2. Gmail Create groups of students or parents to send mass announcements or attach upcoming assignments. You can request a read receipt if the matter is urgent.

4.2.1. ‎Gmail - Email by Google on the App Store