To graduate on-time as a Computer Science student

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To graduate on-time as a Computer Science student by Mind Map: To graduate on-time as a Computer Science student

1. Take care of your Health

1.1. Do some checkups if possible

1.2. Maintain a healthy lifstyle

1.2.1. Don't skip meals

1.2.2. Have a healthy diet

1.2.3. Exercise regularly

1.3. Sleeping Habit

1.3.1. Sleep at least 8-10 hours

2. Don't be a irregular student

2.1. Don't drop any subjects

2.2. Attendance is a must

3. Don't be late on the graduation ceremony

3.1. leave early from home

4. Follow the 3 I's of APC

4.1. Work honetly

4.2. Be creative in your works

4.3. Practice proffssionalism

5. Time Management

5.1. Know your priorities

5.1.1. Love life No commitment Love God and Family

5.1.2. Hobbies Academics first Have a time for hobbies to release stress, if you are free

5.1.3. Have time for your family and friends

5.2. Sleeping Schedule

5.3. Don't Procrastinate

6. Study Hard

6.1. Pass requirements on time

6.1.1. Don't be Lazy

6.2. Mind the minor subjects

6.3. Study with passion

6.4. Think about your future

6.5. Make sure you love your course

7. Avoid School Violations

7.1. Follow the school rules

7.2. Be aware of the school rules