Learning and the Brain Research in Action by Deana Scheirmann

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Learning and the Brain Research in Action by Deana Scheirmann by Mind Map: Learning and the Brain Research in Action by Deana Scheirmann


1.1. #1. Poor Diet =Increased Mental health issues

1.1.1. ex; low levels of omega-3s are associated with mental health problems like ADHD, depression and schizophrenia,

1.2. #2. Brain Foods = give yourself a superfood!

1.2.1. examples: A diet that is high in plant foods is naturally high in nutrients and fibre . This includes a variety of fruit and vegetables, legumes (such as lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, cannellini beans, etc .), wholegrains (such as oats, quinoa, barley, rye, millet, amaranth, corn, etc .), nuts and seeds .

1.3. #3. the gut-brain relationship: healthy food = healthy guts

1.3.1. Our diet has an important influence on the bacteria in our gut and therefore this is another way that food can influence our learning, mood and behaviour .

1.3.2. Plant foods that contain fibre are particularly important for the good bacteria to feed on and perform their functions, while pathogenic bacteria thrive on a diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates .

1.4. #4. Unhealthy food = poor behavior reactions

1.4.1. Artificial food colours and preservatives have been shown to increase hyperactive behaviour in school children

1.4.2. ex: children with ADHD can react to a range of natural and artificially occurring substances and additives in food which can have mild to severe effects on their behaviour and ability to focus

1.5. #5. Poor Diet= Poor Physical Health

1.5.1. ex: Our brain is an organ, just like our heart, liver, kidneys and lungs. And the brain is also affected by poor health… Nutrients are the building blocks of the brain and without them it would not develop or work at all.