Physical Therapy

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Physical Therapy by Mind Map: Physical Therapy

1. What are the typical hours worked by Physical Therapist? ""

1.1. Do most PT's work in hospitals and clinics? "Bureau of Labor Statistics"

1.2. What factors should be considered before opening up your own clinic? ""

2. What is life like as a travel Physical Therapist? ""

2.1. Are you required to complete any continuing education courses? ""

2.2. Can you go to another country and work as a Physical Therapist if you complete school in the US? "World Confederation for Physical Therapy"

3. What is the median salary for Physical Therapist and how has it changed over the last 5 years? ""

3.1. What state has the highest median salary for Physical Therapist? "" ""

3.2. What is the current median salary for Physical Therapist in Texas? "" ""

4. What is the expected growth rate for Physical Therapist over the next 5 years? "Bureau of Labor Statistics"

4.1. What is the average in state cost to complete PT school "Texas State Deparment of Physical Therapy"

4.2. How long does it take to complete PT school? "Texas State Department of Physical Therapy"