Nazis in Hitler’s Germany

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Nazis in Hitler’s Germany by Mind Map: Nazis in Hitler’s Germany

1. Propaganda,Culture and Mass Media

1.1. One of the reasons why the opposition was so limited was by the propaganda of Goebbels, saying that Hitler was a saviour

1.1.1. The Nuremberg rallies: There were bands, marches, flying displays and Hitler’s speeches. This was the best rally organised by Goebbels

1.1.2. The media and culture: everything had to be first approved by Goebbels of other nazis, (books, paintings, newspapers, films, jazz music and radio broadcasting) always saying good thing about nazis, anything anti-nazi was prohibited

1.1.3. The Olympics: 1936, in Berlin. Goebbels convinced Hitler that this was a good propaganda opportunity. Building a stadium to hold 100,000 people.

2. Churches

2.1. the relationship with the Nazis was complicated. they had a concordat with Hitler in which he would leave the church alone, and the church would stay out of the politics

2.1.1. The Reich Church: all of the protestant churches come together in a reich church, leaded by Bishop Müller.

2.1.2. Hitler even proposed another religion, The Pagan German faith movement

2.1.3. the Catholic Bishop Galen led a protest In 1941, against the Nazis killing the mentally ill and disabled people. They had a strong support, so the Nazis did nothing

2.1.4. the protestant Church: leaded by Pastor Martin Niemöller and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. It was against the Reich Church. The suffered a similar fate to Hitler's opponents

3. Why was there little opposition

3.1. Any serious criticism was in private, because they were afraid to be killed, exiled or go tu prison, but there were more answers for why they didn't oppose

3.1.1. propaganda: they never founded out about the bad things happening, the propaganda had to maintain a good image of Hitler.

3.1.2. Nazi successes: the economic recovery was appreciated, they thaught that they brought discipline in a good way and the foreign affairs to make Germany a great country.

3.1.3. economic fears: they were afraid to loose their jobs, they had already suffered the depression, and it was something similar for the bosses

4. Women in the nazi Germany

4.1. All nazis leaders were men

4.1.1. There was also "famous" women. Like Gertrude Scholz-Klink and Leni Riefenstahl

4.2. The role of women was to support their husband. In 1930 women started to work but If she got married, she must leave her work and stay at home.

4.2.1. Suddenly they needed more women working, because all the men were at the army

5. Workers, middle class, farmers and businesses

5.1. In 1933 the worst part of the depression was over. Hitler and the nazis used radical methods to solve the country 2 main problems (crisis in farming and unemployment)

5.1.1. The Boombing of Dresden This consisted in killing between 35,000 and 150,000 people in 2 days ( 3,5 million Germans died) 3 months after the massive destrucción of Dresden Germany, Hitler, Goebbels and others nazi war leaders committed suicide.

5.2. Workers

5.2.1. Hitler promised to lower unemployment, to improve working conditions, to let them get a Volkswägen (he needed excellent workers to create huge industries). But they could't protest.

5.3. Middle classes

5.3.1. They were in favor with the nazis because they didn´t want the kaiser back. Also they agree in the way the nazis "brought order" to the country.

5.4. The big business

5.4.1. This helped Germany a lot. Companies gained huge government contracts, moreover they were protected by the government

5.5. farmers

5.5.1. the Reich food estate was to set up central boards to buy agricultural products from farmers and distribute them, there was also a markets for the peasant farmers. The Reich Entailed Farm Law, which gave farmers farms protection

6. The impact of the Second World War

6.1. Hitler fulfilled his promises: Reverse the treaty of Versalles, Rebuild Germany´s armed forces, Unite Germany and Austria, Extend German territory into Eastern Europe

6.2. Albert Speer in 1942 began to direct Germany´s war economy. (Postals services were suspended and letter boxes were closed) All places of entertainment were closed (Except cinemas, Goebbels needed to show propaganda films.

6.3. The SS also took measures: Women had to work more, countries áreas had to evacuate from the cities and refugees from eastern Europe. The SS had their own army forces(

6.4. In 1941 Hitler wanted to invade the Soviet Union

6.4.1. troops were in war with the Russian forces, for 3 years. Goebbels tried to made people support the war asking them to do sacrifices (donating 1,5 millions for the army).

6.4.2. civilians found their lives disrupted. They had to cut back on heating, Work longer hours, Recycle their rubish

7. Young people affected by the war

7.1. The Edelweiss pirates

7.1.1. they sang songs like the ones of the Hitler youth, but with modified lyrics against/smoking the country. At the end of the war, The Edelweiss pirates grew. they attacked members of the Hitler youth this scared the nazis

8. Jews affected by the war

8.1. "The final solution"

8.1.1. Consisted in kill all the jew race. There was a huge and sad slaughter of jews

8.2. The resistance

8.2.1. Many jews tried to escape and others were helped by people

9. How Nazis controlled Grrmany

9.1. The police state: weapons and organisations used tu control

9.1.1. The Gestapo: secret state police (the most feared) could arrest without explanation or trial

9.1.2. The police and courts: The nazis controlled magistrates, judges and courts. They had instructions to ignore any crimes by the nazis

9.1.3. Concentration camps: in isolated rural areas and runned by the SS death’s head units. Prisoners had to work, with limited food and then died, usually executed

9.1.4. The SS: they were Hitler’s fans, leaded by Himmler. They had responsibilities, were trained and loyal to Hitler

10. The Persecution of minorities

10.1. Nazi persecuted any group that they thought challenged nazi ideas (Jews, gypsies, homosexuals).

10.1.1. 1939-1941: Five of six gypsies living in Germany were killed. Others (alcoholics, homeless, jews, etc) went to concentration camps.

10.1.2. 1939-1945: 72,000 mentally ill patients were gassed

10.1.3. 1938:"Kristallnacht"a jew killed a German diplomat, Nazis used this to take a violent revenge. They smashed jewish shops and workplaces, and of course jews were killed, sent to concentration camps, etc.

10.1.4. 1939: "Eutanasia Program", 5000 severely mentally handicapped, babies and children were killed

10.1.5. 1934-1945: 300,000 men and women were compulsorily sterilised

11. Young people

11.1. most teenagers were supporters of Hitler, they were controlled too in their daily life

11.1.1. at school: they learned all about Germany, that made every teenager loyal to Hitler and the Nazis, also make you think that if you are from the Aryan race you are superior, and the opponent of Hitler are not people.

11.1.2. in the Hitler Youth: they were physically fit, would marched in exciting parade, their life was devoted to Hitler and the Nazis, they were strong runners, confident at reading maps and know how to clean a rifle

11.1.3. at home: the first loyalty to the parents for their children should be their family, but for the Hitler Youth leader it should be Hitler