How do cell division and specialization contribute to biological complexity?

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How do cell division and specialization contribute to biological complexity? by Mind Map: How do cell division and specialization contribute to biological complexity?

1. Biological complexity

1.1. Groups of specialized cells express certain genes and are organized into...

1.1.1. Tissue that is organized into... Organs

2. A complex organism has...

3. Cell specialization

3.1. Occurs in multicellular organisms

3.2. Allows cells in one organism to have different roles

3.3. Is possible due to...

3.3.1. Gene expression Even though cells inherit the same genetic code, they only express the parts of the genetic code that they need

4. Cell division

4.1. Two types

4.1.1. Mitosis 1 parent cell splits into two identical daughter cells

4.1.2. Meiosis Sexual reproduction that creates a daughter cell with unique genetic features