Prior Knowledge as a Foundation (Pg. 14-18)

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Prior Knowledge as a Foundation (Pg. 14-18) by Mind Map: Prior Knowledge as a Foundation (Pg. 14-18)

1. Encourage use of L1

1.1. Promotes a positive attitude towards language and learning

1.2. Enhances their development of proficiency in use the English language

1.2.1. Examples: - Work with same language partners who discuss a problem and clarify information in the L1 before switching to English - Create multilingual displays or signs

1.3. Supports their sense of identity and self-confidence

2. Celebrate Diversity

2.1. Provide opportunities to share information about their languages, cultures and experiences

2.1.1. Example: provide students with language-learning activities that enable ELLs to draw on their experiences, and to talk

2.2. Enriches awareness about the similarities and differences among cultures and languages

2.3. All students will feel a sense of belonging

3. Dual-Language Approach

3.1. May enable parents to become more involved in their children's education

3.2. Enables students to draw on their strengths, including their existing academic, linguistic and cultural background

3.2.1. Examples: - Encourage ELLs to write in their own language (journal responses - Invite ELLs to produce dual-language assignments (dual-language books)

3.3. Enriches the class environment by exposing English-speaking students to the advantages of dual languages

4. Build on Prior Knowledge

4.1. Learn as much as possible about students' existing knowledge, skills and interests and use in in your instruction

4.1.1. Examples:

4.2. Have students present topics connected to their language, culture and country of origin

4.2.1. Geography: presenting a climate graph on their country of origin

4.2.2. Mathematics: allow students to solve problems using previously learned strategies

4.2.3. Physical Education: have students teach the class a game or activity from their country