Unification of Italy

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Unification of Italy by Mind Map: Unification of Italy

1. Young Italy

1.1. (1830) secret society, goal was a free and united Italy, founded by Mazzini

2. Red Shirts

2.1. Nationalistic group/army created and led by Giuseppe Garibaldi to end foreign control of Italy during the 19th century.

3. People

3.1. Guiseppe Mazzini

3.1.1. support of the national ideology

3.1.2. republican who wanted support of the mass, so he created "Young Italy"

3.2. Vincenzo Gioberti

3.2.1. Piedmont priest who wanted to create a confederation of states under Papal rule

3.3. Giuseppe Garibaldi

3.3.1. Led small army of Italian nationalists (called red shirts), captured Sicily. He agreed to unite the southern areas he conquered with the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardina

3.4. Victor Emmanuel II

3.4.1. King of Piedmont, Savoy, and Sardinia

3.4.2. Led the north in Italian unification and united with Garibaldi's south in 1861.

3.5. Camillo Cavour

3.5.1. Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Piedmont and Sardinia since the 1850s