Reinterpreting sustainable architecture: The place of technology

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Reinterpreting sustainable architecture: The place of technology by Mind Map: Reinterpreting sustainable architecture: The place of technology

1. Ecoasthectic logic

1.1. emphasize in the social and environmental relations

1.2. Based on a theory of social change that will shift the consciousness and usher a new mode of living

1.3. individual reflexivity and ecological awareness

1.4. a shift of utilitarian values to a more romantic and and liberated point of view about nature

2. Ecocultural logic

2.1. reorientation of values to engage with environmental an cultural concerns

2.2. emphasizes on the locality and place (genius loci) and find solutions within the context

2.3. preserve the diversity of human cultures

2.4. inspiration from indigenous cultures of a sense of responsibility about protecting the landscape and the ecosystems we live in


3.1. Specific concepts and ideas that are categorized, produce, reproduce and transformed in a set of practices that affects social and physical realities

3.1.1. Not exclusive

3.1.2. Not static or stable

3.1.3. always changing the form, design and specification in relation with the problematic

3.1.4. each logic represent a concept of the space in which the environmental conflicts and benefits are represented

4. Ecosocial logic

4.1. adress the issue of democracy as the key to an ecological society

4.2. Create a model of community that serves common needs and goals so they will be able to live in harmony with the natural world

4.3. Emphasizes the theory that humans domination and degradation leads to a environmental destruction. the need to oppress society and nature.

4.4. Excessive power and abuse of the environment

5. Ecothechnic logic

5.1. science and technology can bring the solution to the environmental issues

5.2. objective analysis and a rational scientific method

5.3. a way in which humans can overcome the environmental crisis without leaving the path of modernization

5.4. The only possible way out of the ecological crisis is by going further into industrialization

6. Ecocentric logic

6.1. founded on a need for radical reconfiguration of values. "The world come first"

6.2. bases on the dynamic interaction between the living and non living

6.3. Is conceived as a human responsibility and administration of the biophysical limits that come from the nature itself

6.4. We are exceeding those "rules or limits" and that can lead us to catastrophic results.

6.5. immediate and full precautionary protection of ecosystems and natural capital

7. Green design/Green building


7.1.1. There are different perspectives and interpretations of the problem therefore there is no clear idea of what needs to be resolved or what the SA wants to achieve

7.1.2. ignores the social aspect that implies the practice of sustainable architecture

7.1.3. ignores the multiplicity of design

7.2. What is it?

7.2.1. social construction

7.2.2. Relative concept rather than absolute concept

7.2.3. Homogenous categorization

7.2.4. Depends on how is the problem presented

8. Ecomedical logic

8.1. relates the health of the environment with the health of the individual

8.2. by linking health issues such as air quality, water and urban space, medicine has helped to make the environment an important concern

8.3. highlights the concept of sick buildings to create new tecnologies