Output Device


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Output Device by Mind Map: Output Device

1. Display device

1.1. Moniter

1.1.1. LCD moniter Resolution Response time Brightness Dot pitch Contrast

1.1.2. Widescreen

1.1.3. Plasma monitors

1.1.4. CRT monitor

1.2. The graphics processing unit

1.3. Televisions

2. Data projectors

2.1. Digital light processing (DLP) projector

3. Interractive Whiteboard

3.1. A dry-erase board

4. tactile output

5. Printers

5.1. Nonimpact printers

5.1.1. Ink-jet printers

5.1.2. Photo printers

5.1.3. Laser printers

5.1.4. Mobile printers

5.1.5. Label and postage printers

5.1.6. Plotters

5.1.7. Thermal printers

5.1.8. Large-format printers

5.2. Impact printers

5.2.1. Dot-matrix printer

5.2.2. Line printer

6. Speaker,headphones,and earbuds

6.1. audio output device

6.2. Voice output

7. Force-feedback game controllers

8. Putting It All Together

8.1. Home

8.2. Small office / Home office

8.3. Mobile

8.4. Power

8.5. Enterprise