Gardner's Multiple Intelligences

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Gardner's Multiple Intelligences by Mind Map: Gardner's Multiple Intelligences

1. Visual/Spatial

1.1. Drawing

1.2. Diagrams

1.3. Animation

1.4. Colour and visual stimuli

1.5. Art

2. Intrapersonal

2.1. Meditation

2.2. Reflection

2.3. Introversion

2.4. May be uncomfortable in groups

2.5. Individual

2.5.1. Benefits most from solitary, quiet study

3. Musical/Rhythmic

3.1. Finding rhythms

3.2. Temporal shapes of words

3.3. Read pitch of voice

3.4. Musicianship

4. Existential

4.1. Searching

4.2. Contemplative

4.3. Elsewhere

4.4. Easily disengaged by the mundane

4.5. Interested by the infinite

4.5.1. Patterns in numbers

4.5.2. Big questions: literature

4.5.3. Philosophy of hard science

5. Verbal/Linguistic

5.1. Listening

5.1.1. Gains most from S-T discussion

5.2. Speaking

5.3. Reading

5.3.1. Privileged learners

5.4. Writing

6. Interpersonal

6.1. Discussion

6.2. Group work

6.3. Extroversion

6.4. Reads people

7. Logical/Mathematical

7.1. Analytical

7.1.1. May be narrow

7.2. Formal operations

7.2.1. Maths

7.2.2. Summative testing

7.2.3. Knowing 'answers'

7.3. Traditionally 'smart'

7.3.1. Traditionally favoured

8. Bodily/Kinaesthetic

8.1. Movement

8.2. Muscle memory

8.3. Touch investigation

8.4. Performance

8.4.1. Channel energy

8.5. May appear restless

8.5.1. Need for activity, engagement

9. Naturalistic

9.1. Centred

9.2. Grounded

9.3. Daydreaming

9.4. Steady