Environmental Degradation

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Environmental Degradation by Mind Map: Environmental Degradation

1. Empathy (Listen)

1.1. Awareness of Natural Habitats

1.1.1. It is not only knowing what is happening with the environment but feeling how the plants, insects and animals are been treated because of human dominance.

1.1.2. With sounds of environmental crisis, deforestation, animal migration and starvation we can apply a new way of thinking for humanity.

1.1.3. Being aware of what is going on not only in your home country, but in the world around you and seeing how all the products made by humans are destroying not only ecosystems, but actually the depletion of earths resources.

1.2. Effect on the World

1.2.1. Humans act as if the world had infinite resources, but it is not true. We have to humanize and give incentive to the world in order to create sentiment in such that the nature is like your own daughter.

1.3. Association with sound

1.3.1. Media is huge in human mentality, using sounds as a medium will generate compassion within the individuals. Example- The sound of tress being destroyed or the sound of a dying animal.

1.4. Establish a New Culture

1.4.1. Establish a culture that surrounds the needs of nature not the needs of humanity. Listen for what nature is craving, not what humanity desires. Fighting for a living world with nature.

2. Earth (Contextualise)

2.1. Potable Water Depletion

2.1.1. Depletion of potable water is a extreme problem for humanity. More than 97 percent of Earths water is salt water, where 2.7 % is fresh water, meaning that one in 3 people face water shortage.

2.2. Earth Cycles

2.2.1. Knowing how does the water cycles work will help humanity be more cautious about pollution.

2.3. Understanding

2.3.1. Understanding how does external and internal geological processes work, where we can see how earth responds to the surface and the pollution around us.

2.4. Decomposition

2.4.1. Decomposition is important to the world and the environment. Products such as fruits and natural resources decompose quick, but what happens with the human waste?

2.5. Life

2.5.1. Everything in life has an expiration, everyone dies at the end. It also includes trees, animals, nature and even the planet. People need to be aware of it and work to prevent the expiration of the world.

3. Hope (Manifest)

3.1. Faith

3.1.1. Faith is crucial to humanity; always hoping for the best of the civilization. Telling new generations stories about how we have destroyed the world in the last decades, and finding a solution to the new generations.

3.2. Attitude

3.2.1. Feel the pain and the truth about the situations with the stories, making desire to change with the crucial path that will lead to destruction.

3.3. Creative

3.3.1. Actively thinking about how to be a better nature, where we can have a new view of things and how they can work. As well as using media to leave a message to people.

3.4. Point of View Inspiring People

3.4.1. New perspectives on life and their attributes. The willing to change for the world not only for humanity. Inspire people for the desire.

3.5. Acknowledging

3.5.1. Being aware of the situation and doing something about it. It is not writing stories anymore is making them happen.

4. The Five Fires of Change

4.1. Fire has been one of the most important discoveries for human evolution, elsewhere the help of fire and their attributes are crucial for human kind to survive, speaking of how the five fires can relate to humanity and nature as it is.

4.2. 1. Empathy

4.3. 2. Kinship

4.4. 3. Hope

4.5. 4.Earth

4.6. 5.Tools

4.7. Heraclitus (c. 535 BCE – c. 475 BCE) considered fire to be the most fundamental of all elements. He believed fire gave rise to the other three elements: "All things are an interchange for fire, and fire for all things, just like goods for gold and gold for goods."

5. By Andres Robles

6. Tools (Design)

6.1. Sustainable Energy

6.1.1. Humans need to start using more solar energy, such as electric cars, wind panels and also energy sources that don't need to take raw materials from the world. Electricity cause burning of large amounts of fossil fuels, when using electric cars will help for the air pollution.

6.2. Courage

6.2.1. Courage is a basic tool to improve relationship between humanity and nature. Everyone know what is going on with global warming, but are people taking courage? Stand from the crowd

6.3. Difference

6.3.1. New ways of eating protein, such as protein bars that are derived by insects.

6.4. Take Responsibility

6.4.1. Taking responsibility in the way of not buying products that harm the ecosystem and start living your life with eco friendly products.

6.5. Willingness

6.5.1. The power to do the change, not only as an individual but as society.

7. Kinship (Connect)

7.1. Life is a Cycle

7.1.1. Connect to nature in such way that if you take something from it, give the same or even more. Natural resources are finite.

7.2. Human Being part of Natural World

7.2.1. We are one species among millions, we have evolved to be part of nature, not apart from it. Human and nature are not separate entities, were we can become a more sustainable society.

7.3. Building strong relationship with nature

7.3.1. We as humans depend on environment for our death and wellbeing. It is fundamental to the economy, social structures and homes to construct not with other natures resources, but with harmless tools to protect all the world.

7.4. Sense of Self

7.4.1. Connect in the way that there is a symbiosis middle ground, where we sacrifice in order to explore new ways to live and not take more natural resources.

7.5. Nurturing a new Lifestyle

7.5.1. If we nurture the world with destruction, the world will give us the same outcome.

8. A World in Crisis

8.1. Decrease of Pollinator Insects

8.1.1. With the destruction of the natural resources we destroy the insects; decreasing fruits and grains and decrease of vegetables, were there is less nectar and pollen.

8.1.2. Less nectar and Pollen- causes Biodiversity Loss and rentability loss.

8.2. Degradation

8.2.1. The world is moving fast, as well as natural resources are starting to diminish every year. Since the rapid industrialisations that took place since the 1950s, the environment has changed drastically. There has been a "banalisation" of ecosystems thanks to agriculture's industrialisation, linked to deforestation and increasing use of pesticides.

8.3. The idea of reducing environmental degradation is mentioned because resources are limited, such in the case that 100 trees are being cut every 1 minute.