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my media life by Mind Map: my media life

1. my parents feelings

1.1. should not have been invented

1.1.1. can't use tec.

1.2. bad

1.3. hate it

1.3.1. hard to learn how to use

1.4. sad

2. types of media used

2.1. tablets

2.1.1. New node

2.2. cellphone

2.3. computer

2.3.1. facebook

2.4. television

2.4.1. movies

3. my feelings about media

3.1. good

3.1.1. easy to use

3.2. happy

3.3. excited

3.4. glad

3.4.1. allows to communicate

4. actions

4.1. chat

4.2. look at photos

4.2.1. lets us look at pictures of family members

4.3. communicate

4.4. recources

4.4.1. helps us with homework and or research