Interactive ways of social media for EAL students and its impact on learning

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Interactive ways of social media for EAL students and its impact on learning por Mind Map: Interactive ways of social media for EAL students and its impact on learning

1. E-mail connections

1.1. Getting new assignments

1.2. Clarifying ideas with online instructor

1.3. Developing writing skils through emails

2. New node

3. Culture and language teaching through media

4. Lecturing and teaching through presentations

4.1. Skype

4.2. PowerPoint Slides

4.3. Creating presentations through Prezi

5. New node

6. Practice language

6.1. Listening websites

6.2. Practical grammar exercises

6.3. Reading and Writing

6.4. Using Online dictionary

7. Using Internet as a tool for social interactions

7.1. Skype

7.2. Facebook

7.3. Twitter

7.4. Messenger

8. Interactive video lessons

8.1. Youtube

8.2. Online videos as a mean of learning an additional language

8.3. Internet websites