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KWL by Mind Map: KWL

1. Know

1.1. Handsa on

1.2. Cross cur

1.3. stud directed

1.4. creative

1.5. open ended

1.6. exciting

1.7. innovative

1.8. 100% involve

1.9. better knowledge retention

1.10. More work

1.11. less work

1.12. visual and concrete

1.13. constructive

1.14. engaging

2. Wonder

2.1. How to do it

2.2. time involved

2.3. classroom mangement

2.4. resources

2.5. assessment

2.6. stud reaction

2.7. will it be supported

2.8. how does it overlap standards

2.9. accountability

2.10. work load/roles

2.10.1. Never work harder than your students

2.11. safety

2.12. digital safety

2.13. parental concerns

2.14. structures or boundaries

2.15. focus on speciasl needs

2.16. when is it done

2.16.1. like a skirt

2.16.2. like a chicken

2.17. artifacts

2.18. what happens when it doesn't work?

2.19. will it work

2.20. what is the outcome

2.21. how do you measure success