1. Collecting those permission forms from your students for field trips can be a nightmare, but Classtree makes the process painless and paperless. Unlike Remind, which simply notifies parents of the logistics of an upcoming field trip, Classtree actually lets you attach a consent form for parents to e-sign to go along with the announcement. The app even shows you exactly who has seen your note and who owes you a signed form.
1.1. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/classtree/id1016725637?mt=8
2. Organization
2.1. iDoceo
2.1.1. iDoceo is a one time fee of $11.99 . Teachers can have their grade book and attendance, all at their fingertips. It also links to google classroom so you can pull lesson plans, seatings charts, PDF files and more. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/idoceo-teachers-assistant/id477120941?mt=8
2.2. Teacher Assistant Pro: Classroom Management
2.2.1. Teacher’s Assistant Pro allows you to keep a set of behavior records for each student in your care, offering a quick method for looking up and noting bad behavior, and letting you email specific incidents from directly within the app’s main interface.
2.3. Teacher Kit
2.3.1. This is the one stop spot for teachers. Organize classes, import rosters, add timetables, log attendance, creating seating charts, record grades and even add behavior notes for parents. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/teacherkit/id389584618?mt=8
2.4. Pocket
2.4.1. Pocket gives you a way to quickly save articles, videos, and other Web content that might seem pertinent to your current or future class lectures. The app also lets you view anything you save offline, while presenting your articles with an easy-to-view layout that typically enhances the reading experience, regardless of your device. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pocket-save-stories-for-later/id309601447?mt=8
3. Teacher Communication/Collaboration
3.1. Class Dojo
3.1.1. ClassDojo isn’t your typical classroom-management platform. Whereas others concern themselves with gold stars and charts, this app lets teachers emphasize positive feedback, allowing you to elaborate on the behavior of your students with comments such as “working hard” or “participating.” You can even send parents public and private messages regarding their child’s progress, and if they desire to do so, they can view their child’s feedback in real-time. No school newsletter required. Many teachers like to come up with small awards as students progress with positive behavior. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/classdojo/id552602056?mt=8
3.2. Seesaw
3.2.1. With Seesaw students can store and post their best work to share with their parents. Teachers, on the other hand, can provide concrete examples of their students’ strengths and weaknesses to their parents during teacher-parent meetings https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/seesaw-parent-and-family/id930565469?mt=8
3.3. Class Tree
3.4. Remind
3.4.1. Remind is an app for teachers, coaches, and administrators. It is a way to communicate quickly and effectively with parents. Parents can sign up by texting or emailing a certain code. Once signed up they can receive emergency messages, updates and more. Messages can even be translated into 70 different languages. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/remind-school-communication/id522826277?mt=8
4. Student Learning
4.1. Kahoot
4.1.1. Teachers love to turn a boring lesson into a game to motivate their students. The GetKahoot app makes it easy to turn your lesson into a gameshow. You can enter your own questions and answers or use a pre-made game. Your students can then download the Kahoot app to play the game as an individually or groups.
4.2. AShttps://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kahoot-play-create-quizzes/id1131203560?mt=8
4.3. Epic Unlimited Books for Kids
4.3.1. Elementary school teachers are always on the lookout for new books for their students. With Epic Unlimited Books for Kids app, teachers in America and Canada get free access to over 15,000 kid-friendly books ranging from National Geographic Kids to the Goosebumps series. The Educator’s version also includes lesson ideas and videos to make life easier for teachers. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/epic/id719219382?mt=8
4.4. Educreations
4.4.1. Educreations is like an interactive whiteboard app that allows you to create easy to follow tutorials for students. You can record audio to narrate your actions as well, allowing you to create diagrams, commentary, simple animations, or instructions with coupled audio covering any topic. Plus, you can share video via email, Facebook, or Twitter in addition to the classroom. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/educreations/id478617061?mt=8
4.5. Study Blue
4.5.1. Flashcards are a time-tested method of study, but they can be easy to loose track of given their size and durability. With Studyblue, teachers can create digital sets of flashcards, study guides, and quizzes, each complete with optional audio and video. Moreover, students can create and share their own sets of flashcards and study tools, giving them a convenient place to start studying outside of simple lectures and text books. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/studyblue/id323887414?mt=8