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Chapter One Introduction to computer by Mind Map: Chapter One Introduction to computer

1. A World of Computers

1.1. Computers are everywhere

2. Objectives Overview

2.1. Distinguish between system software and application software

3. Examples of Computer Usage

4. Embedded Computers

4.1. An embedded computer is a special‐purpose computer

5. Servers

5.1. A server controls access to the hardware

6. Game Consoles

6.1. A game console is a mobile computing device designed for single‐player

7. Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices

7.1. Mobile

8. Personal Computers

8.1. A personal computer can perform all of its input, processing, output

9. Categories of Computers

10. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers

10.1. Green computing involves reducing the electricity consumed

11. The Components of a Computer

11.1. A computer contains many electric, electronic, and mechanical components known as hardware

12. What Is a Computer?

12.1. A computer is an electronic device

13. Computer Applications in Society

13.1. Education

13.1.1. Government

14. Elements of an Information System

15. Supercomputers

15.1. A supercomputer is the fastest, most powerful computer

16. Mainframes

16.1. A mainframe is a large, expensive, powerful computer that can handle hundreds

17. Computer Software

17.1. Software

18. Networks and the Internet

18.1. A network is a collection of computers and devices connected together,