What is Femininity for you?

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What is Femininity for you? by Mind Map: What is Femininity for you?

1. openness

2. can be a strength and a vulnerability

2.1. could a vulnerability be strength as well?

3. vulnerability

4. means also be a woman

4.1. the society imposed a target on what women have to look like

5. empathy

6. outcome of the society rather than a real thing

6.1. Tara Williams has suggested that modern notions of femininity in English speaking society began during the English medieval period at the time of the bubonic plague in the 1300s. Women in the Early Middle Ages were referred to simply within their traditional roles of maiden, wife, or widow.

7. Your Ideas Here!

8. women femininity is defined all by traits

8.1. traits: the way you are, how you interact with others, what you bring to the world

9. feminine or masculine

9.1. it cannot be one or the other because in each one of us there is a masculine and a feminine part

9.2. 'who is the person beyond that label'

10. as a mindset that venerates both individual and the community

10.1. adaptation, common goal

10.1.1. self-resilience, self-sufficiency and personal success fueled by masculine drive can coexist.

11. bodylanguage

11.1. femininity is movement, seduction, care.

11.2. means i'm ok with who i am

12. related to culture

12.1. it's different from the noun 'Woman'

12.1.1. it's related to a different and more advanced phase being conscious acceptance of all her vulnerabilities and frailties lighten herself because of this awareness a smile, a silence, privation of a dream for others... a man can do/have the same, but different approach

12.2. emotional, sinuosity, elegance, fragility

12.2.1. a woman can also be determined and strong and she will be called feminine; a guy that is strong and determined won't be called as such