Educational Learning Theories

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Educational Learning Theories by Mind Map: Educational Learning Theories

1. Behaviorism

1.1. Key Characteristics

1.1.1. Informs instruction: measurable, predefined goals

1.1.2. Stimulus-response: Response to external stimulus -- conditions behavior/the brain

1.1.3. Informs instruction: Reinforcement & Punishment shape behavior

1.1.4. Passive learner

1.2. Popular Theorist

1.2.1. John B. Watson

1.2.2. Skinner

1.2.3. Pavlov

1.3. Positive Reinforcement - The Big Bang Theory

2. Cognitivism

2.1. Key Characteristics

2.1.1. Focus on internal thought process

2.1.2. Learner as information processor

2.1.3. Informs Instruction: Information in, processed, outcome out

2.1.4. Focuses on: thinking, problem solving, memory

2.1.5. People do not just respond; rational beings

2.2. Popular Theorists

2.2.1. Chomsky

3. Diagnosing a zombie: brain and behavior (Part two) - Tim Verstynen & Bradley Voytek


5. Constructivism

5.1. Key Characteristics

5.1.1. Informs instruction: Learner is active

5.1.2. Learner constructs knowledge, subjective interpretation of objective reality

5.1.3. New information build on previous knowledge/experiences

5.2. Popular Theorist

5.2.1. Dewey

5.2.2. Vygotsky

5.2.3. Piaget

5.2.4. Bruner

6. Connectivism

6.1. Key Characteristics

6.1.1. Networked social learning

6.1.2. Reflection of a networked and rapidly changing social world

6.1.3. Technology-based

6.1.4. Informs instruction: Diverse ideas and opinions categorized into categories and topics

6.2. Popular Theorist

6.2.1. Siemens

6.2.2. Downes