iPad and Differentiation ARP Literature Review

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iPad and Differentiation ARP Literature Review by Mind Map: iPad and Differentiation ARP Literature Review

1. Theory: Constructivism

1.1. The iPad as an Instructional Tool: Models of Effective Technology Integration: "Constructivist instructional practices..." (p.19).

1.2. Streaking Into Middle School Science: Theoretical Framework: "Constructivism..." (p. 5)

1.3. Goodnough, K. (2006). Enhancing pedagogical content knowledge through self-study: an exploration of problems-based learning. Teaching In Higher Education, 11(3), 301-318. doi:10.1080/13562510600680715 PEER REVIEWED!

2. Action Research

3. Differentiation

3.1. A Breakthrough for Josh "ADHD: Computer-aided instruction improves reading." "Use of eBooks for differentiation.

3.2. ... and some great ideas too!

4. Technology

4.1. The iPad as an Instructional Tool: All about technology and technology integration.

4.2. Streaking Into Middle School Science: Whole article about the Dell Streak Project

4.3. A Breakthrough for Josh: iPad and reading improvement article.