Things I like and stuff I've done (Sean McClellan)

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Things I like and stuff I've done (Sean McClellan) by Mind Map: Things I like and stuff I've done (Sean McClellan)

1. Mad Men (The show)

1.1. Advertising and Marketing seems cool

1.1.1. I've never actually done anything related to these subjects, so I'm not sure if I'd actually like it Advertising does incorporate some psychology

2. Friendship

2.1. I don't want my career to consume my life

3. Psychology

3.1. Probably one of my favorite set of classes in highschool

4. Money

4.1. I want my education to help me make alot of money

5. Worked at KFC

5.1. Worked as Cashier

5.1.1. I actually liked interacting with the customers (Most of the time)

5.2. Made Side Orders

5.3. Mopped the floor

5.4. Spoke primarily in Spanish

5.4.1. Knowing a second language is useful

5.5. Teamwork

6. Volunteered at a hospital

6.1. In the Emergency Department

6.2. Did menial labor

6.3. Learned that working in health care was not for me

7. Working Out

7.1. You gotta get swole

8. Baseball

8.1. Teamwork

9. Food

9.1. New node