The internet and world wide web

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The internet and world wide web by Mind Map: The internet and world wide web

1. World wide web

1.1. Web pages

1.2. Web site

1.3. Web server

1.4. Web 2.0

1.5. Web browser or browser

1.5.1. internet explorer

1.5.2. firefox

1.5.3. opera

1.6. URL Web address

1.7. Tabbed browsing

1.8. Search engine

1.8.1. images

1.8.2. videos

1.8.3. audio

1.8.4. news

1.8.5. blogs

1.9. Subject directory

2. Types of Web sites

2.1. portal

2.2. news

2.3. informational

2.4. business

2.5. blog

2.6. wiki

2.7. educational

3. Multimedia

3.1. graphic

3.2. animation

3.3. audio

3.4. streaming

4. Other Internet Services

4.1. E‐mail

4.2. New node

4.3. mailing list

4.3.1. Subscribing

4.3.2. Unsubscribing

4.4. Instant messaging (IM)

4.5. chat

4.6. chat room

4.7. VoIP

4.8. newsgroup

4.9. message board

4.10. FTP

5. The internet

5.1. The internet is a worldwide collection

5.2. That links millions of the businesses

6. Evolution of the internet

6.1. host connection to the internet

6.2. The internet via high-speed broadband

7. access provideris

7.1. Internetserviceprovider)

7.1.1. IP address

7.1.2. domain name

7.1.3. DNS server

7.2. nationwideOnline service provider (OSP)

7.3. Wireless Internet service provider

8. E-commerce

8.1. Business‐to‐business (B2B

8.2. Business‐to‐consumer (B2C)

8.3. Consumer‐to‐consumer (C2C)

9. Netiquette

9.1. the code of acceptable Internet behavior