Food Temperatures

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Food Temperatures by Mind Map: Food Temperatures

1. Danger Zone

1.1. 41 degrees F to 135 degrees F

2. Holding Temperatures (Refrigeration)

2.1. 135 F or higher

2.1.1. Hot Foods

2.2. 41 F or lower

2.2.1. Cold Foods

3. Meat Handling Temperatures

3.1. 145 degrees F

3.1.1. Fish

3.2. 155 degrees F

3.2.1. Beef and Pork

3.3. 165 degrees F

3.3.1. Chicken

4. Meat Preparation

4.1. Keep at 41 degree F or lower

4.2. Keep wrapped and raw meat away from ready-to-eat foods

5. Fish Preparations

5.1. Handling Temperatures 41 degree F or lower

5.2. Types of Preparations: Clean fish, sanitize area,

5.2.1. INS to insert (Windows)

5.2.2. TAB to insert (Mac OS)

5.2.3. ENTER to add siblings

5.2.4. DEL to delete

5.2.5. Press F1 to see all key shortcuts