Temperatures of handling and cooking foods

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Temperatures of handling and cooking foods by Mind Map: Temperatures of handling and cooking foods

1. Meat Preparation and Handling Temperatures

1.1. Beef, Veal, Lamb

1.1.1. 145 Degrees

1.2. Chicken

1.2.1. 165 degrees

1.3. Ground Meal

1.3.1. 155 degrees

1.4. Seafood

1.4.1. 145 Degrees

2. Holding Temperatures

2.1. Cold Foods

2.1.1. 41 degrees or lower

2.2. Hot Foods

2.2.1. 135 degrees or higher

2.3. Fruits and Veggies

2.3.1. 135 Degrees

3. Refrigeration Temperatures

3.1. Coolers 41 or lower

4. Storage Temperatures

4.1. Dry Storage

4.1.1. 50-70 degrees

5. Danger Zone

5.1. 41 - 135 degrees

6. Fish Preparation and Handling Temperatures

6.1. 145 degrees

7. Minimum Internal Temperatures