ADDIE by Andrea M.

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ADDIE by Andrea M. by Mind Map: ADDIE by Andrea M.

1. Develop: Make learning materials

1.1. Apply cognitive load theory to select fonts, pictures, videos, etc.

1.2. Draft the learning experience.

1.2.1. Make sure learners know why training is relevant to their interests

1.3. Trial the draft experience and make revisions.

1.4. Make sure instructor materials are reviewed and polished as well as those of learners.

1.5. Test-drive your assessment: does it measure something meaningful, or rote facts?

2. Implement: Give your course

2.1. Make sure delivery, tracking, and reporting are all functioning

2.2. Include student assessment of knowledge (summative) and course satisfaction

3. Evaluate: How did it go?

3.1. Use summative assessment data and student satisfaction measures to determine how successful course was. Use long-term data to see if performance improves. Consider which changes need to happen and restart cycle.

3.2. Utilize Kirkpatrick's principles as guidelines

4. Analysis: Ask ?'s

4.1. Is training (a knowledge gap) really the issue? (Formative Assessment)

4.1.1. Maybe? Be SURE you need to make people sit through ANOTHER training. Explore other options. visual aid better methodology cultural shift

4.1.2. Yeah: Determine your WHO, WHAT (including course goals), and WHY

5. Design: Ask more ?'s, and begin to formulate

5.1. HOW can this be taught?

5.1.1. Avoid: boring videos, dumb quizzes asking irrelevant questions, and superfluous projects

5.1.2. Engage: project-based learning, practice-based scenarios, multimedia. Keep in mind Cognitive Load principles.

5.1.3. Formulate course objectives from the goals: behavior, condition, and standard Make sure learners have an opportunity to apply new learning and to solve problems

5.1.4. Create a lesson plan and develop summative assesment.

5.1.5. Storyboard/"sanity check"

5.1.6. Determine media

5.2. WHEN will it be taught? How will modules be split up?

5.3. WHERE will it be taught? Online, in person, both?