If we were ask for Customer Testimonies

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If we were ask for Customer Testimonies by Mind Map: If we were ask for Customer Testimonies

1. Workshop

1.1. Responsiveness

1.1.1. Recovery

1.1.2. Replacement

1.1.3. Assessment time

1.1.4. Estimate submission time

1.1.5. Approval process

1.1.6. Repair time

1.1.7. Delivery process

1.1.8. Quality of work

1.2. Employee Competence

1.2.1. Admin Staff Education Career

1.2.2. mechanics & Technicians Training Certification

1.3. Facilities

1.3.1. Spacious

1.3.2. Organized

1.3.3. Clearly Labeled

1.4. Genuine Parts

1.4.1. Competitive Price

1.4.2. Delivery

1.4.3. Availability

1.5. Bodywork

1.5.1. Quality of Finish

1.5.2. Detailing

1.5.3. Completion time

1.6. Diagnostics & Troubleshooting

1.6.1. Diagnostic Machines

1.6.2. Machine Operator

1.6.3. Code Interpreter

1.6.4. Manufacturer data

2. Rental

2.1. Driver's Mannerism

2.2. Driver's Capability

2.2.1. Basic vehicular Understanding

2.3. Vehicle Conditions

2.3.1. Equipement

2.3.2. Maintenance Level

2.4. Competitive prices

2.5. Responsiveness

3. Team

3.1. Strong Work Ethic

3.2. Self Motivation & Initiative

3.3. Resourcefulness

3.4. Dependability and consistent follow through

3.5. Positive Attitude

3.6. Responsive & Customer Service Driven

3.7. Team Oriented

3.8. Clear & Effective Communicators