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STEM in 0-2 room by Mind Map: STEM in 0-2 room

1. Water Play

1.1. pouring

1.2. frozen, warm - explore temperature

1.3. measuring

1.4. coloured water mixing

1.5. water colour paints

2. exploring colours, transparency and shadows

2.1. shadows

2.2. rainbows and light

2.3. sorting colours

2.4. transparent colours

2.5. use lighting, cellophane on windows,

2.6. coloured adjuncts to sort and explore

2.7. colour mixing

3. Textures

3.1. variety of textures

3.2. explore soft, hard, rough, smooth

3.3. create texture board for exploration

4. EYLF links

5. momentum and inertia

5.1. velocity - racing cars down a slope

5.2. rolling balls of different sizes and weights

5.3. using assisted slope vs on flat surface

5.4. exploring heavy and light and force

5.5. swinging hanging objects ie ball on veranda

6. NQS liknks

7. How it links to Marte Mao

8. Music

8.1. percussion

8.2. using voice

8.3. high and low

8.4. rock a bye your bear

8.5. I can make my hands go