Renewable Energy

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Renewable Energy by Mind Map: Renewable Energy

1. What is it ? they are natural sources that can be renewed, and never run out

2. Hydraulic energy: it is one that is obtained thanks to the current of water, lagoons or tides.

3. Solar energy: is a renewable energy, obtained from the use of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun.

4. Wind energy: is the energy obtained from the wind, that is, the kinetic energy generated by the effect of air currents, and that is converted into other useful forms of energy for human activities.

5. Benefits: : It can combat climate change, becausethey do not create greenhouse emissions, it can decrease pollution, and reduce threats for our health; and, it cost very little to operate

6. Downsides: Building the artefacts that produce the renewable energy can disrupt the wildlife

7. in Colombia comes mainly from hydroelectric plants, and secondly fossil fuels, whose reserves are running out quickly