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Values by Mind Map: Values

1. 3. Great big structure

1.1. Complex Problem Solving

1.2. Dominating a market, being the best

1.3. Global

1.4. Prestiage

2. 4. Challenged

2.1. Fun

2.2. Never been done before (virgin territory)

2.3. The feeling of success at the end

3. 5. Starting something new

3.1. Pioneering

3.2. Entreprenerial

4. 6. Camaraderie

4.1. team work

4.2. brotherhood

4.3. Focused on the work and the goal, ignoring politics and other corporate constraints

5. 8. Routine

5.1. Sense of satisfaction

5.2. Discipline

5.3. Rhythm

6. 10. Age doesn't matter

6.1. Equality

6.2. Fair treatment

6.3. Valuing trust

6.4. EVeryone can make a contribution, the just need to know where, how and what

7. 1. Acknowledgement

7.1. Affirms direction being taken

7.2. Authority

7.3. Status

8. 2. Building from nothing

8.1. Ingenuity

8.2. Invention

8.3. Courage

8.4. Legacy

9. 9. Quickly

9.1. Impressive

9.2. Life is too short, let's get the work done

9.3. Beat the competition

10. Love Languages (scores)

10.1. 8 Physical Touch

10.2. 8 Words of Affirmation

10.3. 7 Quality Time

10.4. 5 Acts of Service

10.5. 2 Receiving Gifts

11. What is God tell me through my values?

11.1. Cooperation

11.1.1. People working together with a deeper connection, deeper meaning. A heart connection. A unity only God can create.

11.2. Abilities

11.2.1. God has given us unique abilities, but we don't often use them. Its about fulfilling our desires.

11.3. Trust

11.3.1. We should value trust over hierarchy and power.

11.4. Work

11.4.1. Work that glorifies God. Is anchored in his character sharing industrious and creative design. Co-labouring.

11.5. Responsibilities

11.6. Accountability

11.7. Respect

11.8. Success

11.9. Service

11.10. Provision

11.11. Giving

11.12. Love

11.13. Joy

11.14. Help

11.15. Hunger for God

11.16. Free from Fear

11.17. Encouragement

11.18. Discipline

11.19. Speed

11.20. Team Work

11.21. Decisions

11.22. Endurance

11.23. Creativity

11.24. Beauty

11.25. Commitment

11.26. Caring

11.27. Advice

11.28. Achievements

12. What does my mind map show me about the decisions I need to make?"

12.1. The work I do needs to me a new exploration, a new innovation. e.g. start-ups

12.2. A place where the rules are different. e.g. blockchain

12.3. New ground that copies heaven to earth. e.g. blockchain

12.4. Work that uses our abilities e.g. leadership for me, and other skills for my partner and other team members

12.5. I need a structured/routine work location and team, and I like to define this myself. e.g. Central London

12.6. I need a way to get high acknowledgement early on to get things kicked off. I've been less sure about exactly where to get this, quickly.

12.7. Fast results/outcomes - e.g. a start-up accelerator