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text analysis by Mind Map: text analysis

1. ‘Time Is Brain’ in Prehospital Stroke Treatment

1.1. gender: informative

1.2. audience: health area and general public

1.3. purpose: cardiovascular problems and how to treat them in people especially adults


2.1. gender: informative

2.2. audience: general public

2.3. purpose: the impact of drugs on society and its use for unsuitable purposes

3. Medical Emergency

3.1. genre: informative

3.2. audience: all public, especially students of health areas

3.3. purpose: to know what are the medical emergencies, their types, structures and what to do in case of a medical emergency

4. Attention

4.1. genre: informative

4.2. audience: area of mental health and philosophy

4.3. purpose: theories about attention in the different branches in which it is studied