by Jim Benson

1. Book Stuff
1.1. Author
1.1.1. Christopher Noxon
1.2. Title
1.2.1. Rejuvenile
1.3. Year
1.3.1. 2006
1.4. Mark
1.4.1. Crown
2. Jim Stuff
2.1. Where
2.1.1. San Jose
2.1.2. Seattle
2.1.3. San Marcos
2.1.4. Palm Springs
2.2. When
2.2.1. 26 May 2007
2.2.2. 5 June 2007
2.3. Books
2.3.1. <Penultimate Truth
2.3.2. The Starfish and The Spider>
3. Concepts
3.1. Maturity
3.2. Adulthood
3.3. Parenthood
3.4. Play as life sustaining
3.5. Play as pathology
3.6. Play as connection
3.6.1. with self
3.6.2. with kids
3.6.3. with life
3.7. Play as continuity
3.8. Corporate Exploitation
3.9. Cultural Norms for
3.9.1. Play
3.9.2. Expressiveness
3.9.3. Intergenerational communication
3.10. Division of Roles
3.11. Hierarchy
3.12. Discipline
4. Inspirations
4.1. "Too"
4.1.1. mature for kid
4.1.2. immature for adult
4.2. Energy
4.2.1. where does it come from?
4.2.2. how is it maintained?
4.2.3. why is it lost?