What is the implication of a departure from comprehensive to bounded rationality?
by Paul Cairney
1. Satisficing
1.1. Getting as close to the comrehensive ideal as possible
2. Incrementalism
2.1. New policy based on past decisions
2.1.1. Descriptive focus on focusing attention on most realistic options
2.1.2. Prescriptive focus on previous agreements
3. Punctuated Equilibrium
3.1. Decision makers promote a few issues to the top of their agenda ....
3.1.1. Suggests potential for radical change
3.2. ... but ignore most
3.2.1. Suggests incrementalism
4. Policy diffusion
4.1. States emulate other states
5. Multiple streams analysis
5.1. Based on garbage can model in which decisionmaking is not rational and linear (identify the problem, then the solution, then choose). Rather, 3 independent streams exists.
5.1.1. Solutions are looking for problems
5.1.2. Policymakers are looking for work
5.1.3. The identifiers of problems are looking for an audience