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Dog Spa by Mind Map: Dog Spa

1. strategic planning

1.1. mind map

1.1.1. internet

2. reference page

2.1. different websites I used to get the pictures that are presented on the different tabs for information.

2.1.1. variety of websites

3. resource page

3.1. information about what is given throughout my website, the different tabs that are offered as well as websites I used.

3.1.1. variety of pictures and URL's

4. about me

4.1. passion for website, state why i started the website and how for we have come with it. Mention awards and certificates we have earned.

4.1.1. Multiple pictures to convince costumers what we do and how happy the pets look.

5. contact page

5.1. information about who is on the website, a fill out form they are able to use so we can contact them and fufill them with our business.

5.1.1. email/phone number