Twitter for SMEs

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Twitter for SMEs by Mind Map: Twitter for SMEs

1. Is it a valuable resource

1.1. yes

1.1.1. no partially

2. Part of Marketing Strategy

2.1. yes

2.1.1. no partially

3. How did you learn to use Twitter

3.1. Self thought

3.2. Training course

3.3. staff thought

3.4. online research

4. What resources ?

4.1. Time

4.2. Budget

4.3. People

4.4. Training

5. What resources do you have in place

5.1. Budget

5.2. Tome

5.3. People

5.4. Training

6. What has the impact been

6.1. scale of 1-5

7. Is Twitter a valuable resource for your business

7.1. Yes

7.2. Dont know

7.3. No

8. How long have you been using Twitter

8.1. scale of 1-5

9. Why did you start using Twitter

9.1. Sport

9.2. Personal use

9.3. News

9.4. Photo sharing

9.5. Marketing

9.6. Customer Care

10. Is it usefull

10.1. Yes

10.1.1. no partially

11. Do you measure the impact?

11.1. Yes

11.1.1. No Dont know how

12. Do you track Sales

12.1. Yes

12.1.1. No Sometimes

13. What plans do you have to use Twitter

13.1. More

13.2. Less

13.3. Different

13.4. Give up