by Julius Schiesser
1. Learning Goal 1
1.1. fast
1.2. easy
1.3. natural
1.4. lack of motivation/interest/respect
1.5. lack in language skills
1.6. afraid of express something wrong
1.7. in-group-out-group phenomen
2. Learning Goal 2
2.1. support realtionships
2.2. reducing stereotypes/prejudice
2.3. place where tips & tricks are exchanged
3. Learning Goal 3
3.1. size of majority
3.2. uncomfortable environment
3.3. minorities often feel not at ease and majorities have to be aware of this
3.4. mutual understanding of group understanding
4. Learning Goal 4
4.1. cooperation and participation of all group members
4.2. contribution
4.3. comfortable environment
4.4. no exclusion
5. Learning Goal 5
5.1. everybody
5.2. majority has a greater responsibility
5.3. no exclusion
5.4. higher status -> more responsibility